You support the community when you bank with City of Firsts Community FCU
How so?
You are an owner! When you join our credit union, you become a member-owner. We are a financial cooperative, and you have a say in how we operate.
We are Not-for-profit. Credit unions are structured to promote their members' financial wellness rather than reward investors. Profits earned by the credit union are returned to you, our members, in the form of reduced fees, higher savings interest rates, and lower loan rates.
We are a Financial Cooperative. Credit unions create a cycle of mutual support for all members. The deposits of one member are used as part of a loan for another member. Our common goal is to benefit all credit union members.
We invest in you and our community. A credit union serves a community of local members. As such, the credit union better understands the needs of its community than a large bank might. We support many local events and community causes, which means you have a part also!
How are Credit Unions different from banks? We offer the same services as traditional banks, except our profits are reinvested into members and the community.
When you choose to bank with City of Firsts Community Federal Credit Union, you choose a locally-focused credit union. You choose a team that's here to listen to your financial goals and help you reach them. Because, like you, we're invested in the future of our community.